I Wonder...

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord" (Isaiah 55:8). I am completely and totally aware of God's Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence. Totally. Completely. My forthcoming question emanates from the deep wellspring of my faith, hope, and trust that hearkens back to childhood. Simply, have Velma, my Mother, and Courtney, my daughter, met in Heaven yet? (Granny and Cocoa-Puff). Two decades after Mother succumbed and a little over two years since Courtney departed earth's dimensions, I can no longer avoid wondering. While it may may be viewed as curious, even macabre by many, finally I can face it. "When our work here is done and the life crown is won, And our troubles and trials are o'er, All our sorrow will end, and our voices will blend With the loved ones who've gone on before...In a land where we'll never grow old." Eternal life. Streets of gold, " I'm ...