"Ask, and  it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.  
for everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened" Matthew 7: 7-8

I'm a lifelong learner, I've proudly boasted all my life.  I'm much more reticent, however, about my willingness  to wrestle with dilemmas that are unwieldy. Simply put, I chose not to try when the gnarly or time-consuming issues inject themselves in my (somewhat) well-ordered life. Like what? Computers or deciphering technical stuff like schematics.  Anything that easily exhausts me.

I was not born with a computer chip in my mouth, which didn't help.  Not by a long shot.  Certainly while I was a proficient reader, decoding arcane instructions produced more questions than I had the time, patience, or energy to invest.  So, what caused the problem?  Impatience for the most part reared its cantankerous head and shook it from side-to-side; I declared myself worn out.

Could fear subconsciously have insinuated its way into my mind and rendered any vestige of desire to get something done, whatever it was, done? Could procrastination and indifference have added to the stew of confusion that dogged me whenever I faced a challenge that couldn't be easily deconstructed? Or at least shoved in a cobwebby corner of my mind.  All of the above and more, I guarantee you!

I don't remember when I said, "Enough is enough!" Why do you give up and give in so easily? Don't you have any fortitude, any perseverance, any of 'the-little-engine-that-thought-it could'?" For heaven's sake! I just got tired of feeling defeated more times than not.  

I've turned over the proverbial leaf! Now, when I can't get it done, I humble myself and ask for help.  That's right! I've learned to pry open my pride-filled jaws and ask, even perfect strangers, for help.  It's really pretty straightforward. 

Solomon, the-back-in-the-day-wisest-man-who-ever-lived,  warned, "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall" (Proverbs 16:18).


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