Burdens Down, Lord, Burdens Down

Often beneath the level of consciousness, we take on things that become burdens, that weigh us down like a sackful of picked cotton. In truth, nobody forces us to undertake much of what we end up doing. Granted, sometimes circumstances propel us into making decisions that tend to hang on long after the "crisis" has passed. Sometimes if we just wait a minute, things work themselves out, become manageable or malleable, until equilibrium returns. The sun's going to rise in the East and set in the West, no matter what time zone you're in. I'm not saying, though, that only frivolous situations or circumstances get blown out of proportion and into burden-land Serious things, worthy of burdens, do happen. We may or may not be equipped or ready to take unforeseen situations on; typically we try, primarily because we're a nation of Helpers. It's that "Can Do" spirit embedded in us through culture and history. However, Kenny Rogers sang, ...