Sparring with the Enemy: A Pugilistic Conundrum

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual wickedness in high places, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12

(I chose this title, not out of bombast or conceit, but simply because I love words and the sound of them.  To borrow a phrase,they represent the "Sound of Music.")  The underlying question, though, seeks to distinguish between the spirit, as in the Holy Spirit, and the flesh, signifying the world. Simply, I ask, who is my enemy and to whom do I direct my energy?

What might be the nexus between my rather esoteric Post title and St. Paul's teachings to the Church at Ephesus? First and foremost, I believe he was in the Office of Teacher, drawing a direct line between who we sometimes think we war against and the real enemy.  That's probably because we either do not know who or what the enemy is, or it could be that the way we define enemy changes frequently.  That is to say, we often think of the enemy in human, definable terms.  So, my enemy could be my next door neighbor when we have a major, unresolved disagreement. Or my enemy may be a thing that causes me sustained discomfort, like making it  through an especially prolonged economic downturn.

My enemy may even be an avatar in a computer duel, or an allergy when trees begin to bud, producing allergic reactions.  In this regard, anyone or anything can be called enemy.  However, Apostle Paul begs to disagree.  He argues that an attack emanates from things we cannot identify through the use of the five senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch smell.  The un-see-able.  Does that mean that who or what  our foe is is impossible to discern? No., not at all.  Most likely it requires a serious study of the principalities, powers, darkness, spiritual wickedness in high places, and hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places,  

Relying on  the Webster's or any good dictionary won't suffice.  However, a good Bible Concordance or  Bible Study or serious self-study might.  I'm sharing the Scripture with you  because maybe like me, you aren't that familiar with the spiritual realm.  I'm beginning to realize more than ever that since we  are spirit, soul, and body, it helps to seek knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, first through the Spirit. I also know that I can't always just "see" or intuit the enemy that attempts to assail me or shatter my peace.


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