Good News!

The Good News! declares good news surrounds us! When your entire face wears a question mark and you look astonished, I respond, "Yeah, I'm just now discerning what the New Testament describes throughout its 27 New books. Really," you query? "While I realize my assertion sometimes defies belief, it's still true," I insist. "Are we talking about the same Book, the Holy Bible?" "Yes! In fact, Good News wends and weaves its way through the 39 books of the Old Testament, also, creating a tapestry of what the old deacons in my childhood church would call "an uninterrupted Jubilee." "No, sir! Really?!" The only way you can deny this truth can only be because you haven't read it!" "Well..." "Before I sound like a know-it-all blowhard, I'll admit; I haven't read them all, either." "Whew! That's a relief, so why did you claim something you haven't done yourself?" "Well,...