Think on These Things...Please

My dear young lady,

Perhaps you wonder why I write to you about him.  I write really, both about your choices and
 the object of them.  I'm just sayin'.  This particular one is not the first one.  First what? First awful, pitiful, lacking (you fill in the blank, then) disappointing choice you've made.  Actually, now that I think it out, maybe he, in truth chose you.   

Often passive in your relationships, you may just have acquiesced.  This isn't your first rodeo, either.  Did you assume you'd selected him and not the obverse? Did you really? Or had your selection criteria conjured up another "Nothing Burger" like previous ones? Hmm.

Do you still wonder why I address this "Cease and Desist" missive to you?  Certainly, you're more amenable to, receptive, and disposed to hearing what I say.  Consequently, you may listen with wide inner ears wide open and a receiving, compassionate heart. I fear, however, that each of you chose the other from a default posture. Although I think you're beautiful, intelligent, and quite personable, evidently you do not! Have you ever? When?

Did he sense your vulnerability?  While nothing inherently is "wrong" with the quality, it often turns you into prey.  Did he sense your malleability, your usability?  Too, you were five years younger than you are now.  Does this constitute "The difference"? Even though he was five years younger also, a chasm separated you.  He is a predator, a manipulator.  You are not.  You'd barely stepped on the threshold of adulthood and had no "Frequent flyer" assertiveness.

In contrast, he'd suffered physical and emotional abuse and, essentially been left on his own.  "Survival of the fittest" became both mantra and his calling card.  He made himself "Numero Uno," although initially, he couldn't articulate its meaning.  Viscerally. he determined to "Get them" before he could be savaged further.  While "Naivete" could've been your middle name, "Slick" should've been his.  You are open; he deceives, distorts, and conceals.  You tell the truth; he lies.

Enough said? How do I know this? I've seen your personality types all my life.  Too, our Father has given me discernment and wisdom because I asked Him for them. You might try practicing Matthew 7:7-8 and see what happens. Have I painted a bleak enough mosaic with a wide enough brush to force a decision? Only you know.  But...

"In case you have fallen, by the wayside of life
Dreams and visions scattered, you're all broken inside
You don't have to stay in the shape that you're in
The Potter wants to put you back together again
Oh, the Potter wants to put you back together again."

Or, as Jesus Christ declares in Revelation 3:20, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in and eat with him and he with Me."

Blessings and Love, Sweet Child.



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