All Night, all day

"Do not neglect to show hospitality, for thereby some have enterained angels unawares" (ESV) Hebrews 13:2ty to strangers " Angels watching over me, my Lord. I believe in angels! Put another way, angels are "for real." I know angels are alive and walk (fly in or around?) the earth today. I didn't always. Younger, I subscribed to the beliefs my parents' religion precribed. "Yes," angels did live in the "old days" of the Old Testament. Especially in places like Sodom and Gomorrah. But not in "this Dispensation," whatever that meant to a pre-teen! There would be no need, their denomination taught, for them 19 centuries later, to be walking (flying?) around. No matter how they looked or the form they took! Come on, get serious! However, listening to a Richard Smallwood vocal one Saturday morning, "Angels watching over me, my Lord," jolted my memory. For years, Saturdays have been the designated "chore da...