My Daddy Is...

Back in the "olden days." (when "old" for a kid meant 40-something) and when Mother and Daddy vowed to "love, honor, and cherish...till death do us part," I'd engage in a harmless competition with my girlfriends. We challenged each other in what I later learned was "one-upmanship" or "comparison and contrast," and involved our fathers. "Daddy." The game usually began near the end of a summer's day when we'd used our energy playing "Hopscotch." double dutch. relay races, and kickball. One friend would say, "My daddy is stronger than your daddy," and I'd counter with, "But my daddy can sing better than your daddy!" Each of us would parry with an even stronger or more outlandish declaration. Finally and thankfully, somebody's mama would call her into dinner and the duel would end---temporarily. Recently, I've speculated how a dialogue between adult friends making claims ab...