My Daddy Is...

Back in the "olden days." (when "old" for a kid meant 40-something) and when Mother and Daddy vowed to "love, honor, and cherish...till death do us part," I'd engage in a harmless competition with my girlfriends.  We challenged each other in what I later learned was "one-upmanship" or "comparison and contrast," and involved our fathers. "Daddy."  The game usually began near the end of a summer's day when we'd used our energy playing "Hopscotch." double dutch. relay races, and kickball.

One friend would say, "My daddy is stronger than your daddy," and I'd counter with, "But my daddy can sing better than your daddy!" Each of us would parry with an even stronger or more outlandish declaration.  Finally and thankfully, somebody's mama would call her into dinner and the duel would end---temporarily.

Recently, I've speculated how a dialogue between adult friends making claims about our respective spiritual fathers would sound.   How would I defend Him if I were talking about my Holy Father and His attributes to a friend who took her position as "the devil's progeny"?  Hmm. 

She'd say, "My father is stronger than Your Father!"

I'd rebut with, "My Father is the most powerful Creator Father in the whole universe!" 

"My father, when his name was Lucifer, was the most beautiful and talented of all angels.  He even  directed the Heavenly choir!"

"That may be so, but my Father created your daddy and gave him those gifts.  Remember, though, that He also stripped him of everything when he got evicted!"

(The game might begin to escalate). 

"My daddy can make magic just like he did for the Pharoah who challenged your Father and the Ten Plagues came upon Egypt. 

"Alright, but your father's magic never lasted longer than a day or two at the most."

"My daddy was the most beautiful angel in Heaven!  He dressed like a king, sported emeralds, gold, jasper, sapphires, diamonds, topaz  and other precious gems as his everyday attire.""

"Yeah, until my Father kicked him out of Heaven after he led that failed insurrection! Remember?"

"So what? To this day, my daddy influences millions of people all over the world every day of the week.  He's on his job 24-7!

"True dat! But your daddy just transacts; my Father transforms, honey! One of the first things I learned was how my Father punished your father when he tempted Adam and Eve to sin. Your daddy was left to crawl on his belly like a snake on the ground!"

"Listen! Listen! As the prince of the air, my daddy sets up rulers in the Earth in all kinds of ways, wielding corruption, greed, and manipulation like popcorn!"

"And you're proud of that?? But true,  your daddy is the author and father of lies, and the truth ain't in him! My Father neither slumbers nor sleeps.  He's the One who created Heaven and Earth.  He's the Only One who can save, heal, deliver and resurrect."

"My father is a leader! He induces people to follow him and they do.  Millions pledge total loyalty to my daddy!"

"So??? The Author and Finisher of my faith, my Father loves me and the whole world so much He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to Earth to die for people yet unborn.  God raised Him from the dead three days later! He now sits at the right hand of the Father and intercedes for us.  Only God knows when Jesus will return to Earth and take us back to Heaven with Him.  Can your daddy do that?


"No, he can't! My Father forgives; throws our sins into the Sea of Forgetfulness when we ask.  He answers my prayers, sometimes before I ask.  However, He also teaches me how to ask.  The Holy Spirit causes me to cry out, "Abba Father.  Abba Father."  Hallelujah, I'm about to get happy! I can pour out my heart to Him, 24-7! And I don't have to "Take a number for better service."  Our Father doesn't tempt me.  His heart's desire is to help me, teach me, and lead me. My Father even teaches me to receive, to know there's nothing He can't do!  For goodness sake, He created Heaven and Earth in six days! 

"Do you understand that my Father is the Alpha and Omega; the Beginning and the End; the Ancient of Days; and El Shaddai.  He is Elohim, Adoni, Jireh, Nissi, Rophe, Shalom, Tsidkenu, and M'Kaddesh.  And that's not all! My Father is Saboath, Shammah, Elyon, Rohi, Hoseenu, Eloheenu, Eloheka, and Elohay! He's...

Wait a minute! Wait a minute! I get it! I see! Your Father is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent and mine is not."

"Nuff said."  

(I offer deep love and gratitude to Pastor Joelle, whose Father's Day message put the meringue on the lemon pie! Thanks, Pastor).


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