
Struggle. Struggle marks my days. Sometimes it even dogs my steps, from the moment I open my eyes to a brand new day until I let Kai, my faithful friend, out to start his day. What's the struggle? I must choose "joy" or "sadness" to define or endorse the next 24-hours. No matter whether I open my eyes to the sun or shadow, my choice initiates an internal dialogue. Where does it begin? In the head first, or is it the heart? The brain where consciousness identifies current events or past history? Or the heart which stores hurt, anguish, or pain that pumps like a tangled water hose---in spurts, squirts, or drops? Or does another phenomenon occlude all of them? Do I sound like a kid proudly reciting the recently learned "ABC" ditty to adoring relatives? An amazing example of parental duplicity reminds me of what I used to say four out of five days to moody, teenage daughters (redundant?), "It's your choice, Baby Girl; it's up...