
Why? Why do expressions uttered in the face of death often mirror New Year Resolutions, made with good intentions, but just as ephemeral? Why is it that well-meaning friends and strangers alike, use tears as the primary barometer for assessing "real" grief? Have you cried, they probed? "Well, you need to! Try and figure out why you're not boohooing. Let your emotions loose! Release yourself! Let her rip!' Suffice it, well-meaning friends, acquaintances, and downright strangers intrude in sometimes unconscionable ways. They deflate; they incite; they flabbergast; and in the end, they've worn me down, tired me out! The loss of life, while engendering a kind of not-so-subtle voyeurism, isn't the only standard. The termination of a love relationship or business association or a job or any unexpected or unpredictable event ranks high on the list. They spark speculations that sprout like weeds in an untended flowerbed. Of course, humans ...