My First Love

"Isn't he lovely Isn't he wonderful Isn't he precious Less than one minute old." I took license to change pronouns---"he" for "she"---to the love lyrics Stevie Wonder penned about "Ayisha," his firstborn daughter. I too was in the operating theater when my first grandson entered this earth-plane. I held him tightly as a nurse took us to the newborn nursery wing. And while singer Roberta Flack spoke to an adult paramour, her sentiments also described this same Grandson: "The first time ever I saw your face I thought the sun rose in your eyes, And the moon and the stars Were gifts you gave To the dark and the endless sky." Finally, I am ready to "tell all" about my First Love. Mystery cloaked everything. Its dramatic cachet centered on when the arrival would occur, including the guesstimated month and date. I knew nothing of his existence until my older, teen-aged Daughter entered h...