An Open Letter to Anonymous Young Women

How do I speak in a situation when my opinion has not been requested? In truth, you don't know me and I don't know you.  Not really.  However, I am an Observer.  I see things, not always with perfect visual acuity, but I see what I see.  I see you, precious young woman, and your behavior captures  my attention.  Not only do I see you, I see what you don't say.  Nonverbal, but reverberating like a cannon.   You could be my daughter, niece, cousin, neighbor, or pew-sharer.

What gives me the right to offer advice to someone when two generations separate us? Not to mention culture, values, and beliefs that tend to further divide us? Do we speak enough of the same language for true communion to ignite?  Should I care or should I care but keep it to myself?  Will I just be politely dismissed as an "old-fashioned busybody?" (I'm really not that old-fashioned!)

"What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore---
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over---
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load
Or does it explode?"

As I watch you day after day, week after week, month after month, a picture forms.  You're so vulnerable, like a waif adrift on a rickety raft you call home. Yet, you seem so unaware, so oblivious to  what's happening in and to your life. You either don't see what I see or maybe you've never thought about you, as a vibrant person who deserves the moon! Do you see yourself in the glaring distortion of your situation? Don't you believe you deserve more than  a mere "lot-in-life," a settling for, and selling yourself for pennies on the dollar, all of which you earn?

How did your beautiful dreams disappear? As if you'd been snatched out of them before they happily ended. Who were you, the you you must have been before life whipped the wind out of your sails, the oomph! out of stride? The true you might have peeked through a few times in the years I've observed you.  You seem to be on guard against doing or saying the wrong thing, for which you must assume you'll be banished! Except you have no idea what  that might be.  It's as if you've decided to tiptoe through this thing called life as quietly and quickly as possible.

You're too quiet. My heart aches for you. I don't want you to give up, but it appears you made that decision years ago.  But you're too young to have done that, much too young.  When did life deliver the enervating TKO? It had to be before you were old enough to vote.  Or what confluence of disappointments, setbacks, and heartbreaks created the perfect storm that morphed into where you find yourself?

Listen to me! You were made in the image and likeness of our Creator God.  "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb.  I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made."  You are! You are!   Don't take my word for it; read Psalm 139:14.  It's written in His Word.  You are precious in God's sight! That's enough to start with.   Next, I want you to make it a daily habit of praying to Our Father.  You can start with Matthew 6: 9-13.

"But, I don't know how to pray," you say.  Yes, you do!  You're simply talking to the Spirit of God as you  would talk to a trusted friend who has never  never let you down or disappointed you.  Because He hasn't.  The more likely problem? You've never set your mind to pray.  You may have thought yourself unworthy.  You may have thought special skills were needed.  You might have thought any number of things---all of which were inaccurate.

God wants a relationship with you. Pure and simple. You can't see Him but He always sees you.  He always listens.  He always answers our prayers.  "Ask what you will of the Savior, And it shall not be in vain.  Call when you need His assistance, He will hear when you call His name."  We just have to learn to listen for and recognize His voice.  Try it! Then respond to me with a comment.  I can't wait for you to start the most exciting journey of your life! Blessings.


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