I Praise and thank You

I praise and thank You for today.

I praise and thank You for yesterday, each of them.

I praise and thank You for the day I thought things couldn't get any bleaker, but the next day it did.  Then, Your still small voice whispered, "I am with you. Hold on!"   

I praise and thank You for my "Macbeth day," as in "Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps on in this petty pace from day to day..." I thank You that tomorrow always mo on.

I praise and thank You for my healing miracles.

I praise and thank You for the kind of clear blue Al Jurreau day snag about, "I can see clearly now, the rain has gone."

I thank You for the day that, like clockwork, dawned after a hapless sleep the night before.

"In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God concerning you" (1 Thessalonians 5:18). I praise and give thanks for Your reminder, Lord.

I praise and thank You for the day You just wouldn't let me throw up my hands in despair and surrender to the abyss.

I praise You because You put Mother's song in my spirit. "The Lord will make a way somehow."

I praise and thank You that in my teens,  You directed me to the prophet, Isaiah (40:31). I had no idea why I memorized his words so easily, nor why to this day, the verse quietly enters my spirit and quietly soothes me. 

I praise and thank You for giving a Grandmother to me  who didn't mind "shouting for joy" 'cause
He's done so much for me, I cannot tell it all!"

I praise and thank You for the game of Hopscotch allowed me not to need playmates because to win, usually nine out of ten games.

I praise and thank You for my phenomenal memory that banked every song I learned in church services, including Wednesday mid-week, and created a playlist to be envied.

I thank You for letting me know I'd become a teacher earlier than I even imagined the joys of molding minds, whether young or mature.

I praise and thank You for equipping me to serve, even before I'd read Jeremiah 29:11-14.  Long before.

I praise and thank You for allowing me to think I had made major decisions when You knew I was merely following the plans You had already ordained.

I praise and thank You for loving, keeping, leading, directing, correcting, humbling, and protecting me, and myriad more.

I praise and thank You for bringing me down to size with the revelation-knowledge that You, only and always You, caused to happen everything I thought I had done and taken credit for! You have always been the Author and Finisher of my faith.

I praise and Thank You that You are my Wayshower and Waymaker, my bridge over troubled water, my rock, my sword, and shield, and my shelter in times of tsunamis.

To Be Continued.




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