Count your blessings

It's facetious even to think about; still, I do.  It might mean that I occupy or allow myself to be preoccupied with frivolous thoughts.  But whenever I think of the advice nestled in the venerable hymn, "Count your blessings, name them one by one; Count your blessings, see what God hath done...," it gives me pause.  Can blessings be defined, from earliest recollections to present giftings? Impossible? Daunting? Crazy as all get out? Hmm.

First and foremost, how many definitions of the word exist among diverse peoples, countries, and cultures? Or in dictionaries or good thesauri? How many "vernacular" or "slang" expressions flourish in numerous places? A couple of hundred, and counting? More? How many more? I wouldn't hazard a guess! I'll just leave possibilities where my imagination found them. 

If we categorize blessings, we could at least itemize them. Would run-of-the-mill blessings vie with extraordinary, unique ones.   Do basic blessings materialize while unique ones rarely express?  Perhaps, blessings deserve a greater consensus among diverse populations.

If ever I can get past the conundrum of blessing definitions, then I can begin tallying a range of responses. Remember, I'm only talking about one person, which would be me, working on this task.  What if I formed a three or five-person committee? Right! Perish the thought! Should I try the old-fashioned way? With a legal pad, lead pencil, and a cup of tea? While primitive, it could be a starting point.  Maybe I'll start now, which might trigger a more historical perspective.  Hmm.

The task grows tougher and more unwieldy. already.  At least half of the month has elapsed, and I'm already flummoxed.  Should I identify daily, weekly, monthly, or even quarterly blessings? Whichever I choose,  the task becomes more daunting! 

I can barely remember what I ate for breakfast much less a blessing, so how would I track a full day, even?  Did I burn the toast or fry the egg too hard? No, Girl! this ain't no joke we're dealing with here!

Let me start all over again with my definition. "Blessing means to graciously, generously, and freely bestow gifts, offerings, abilities, talents, discernment, knowledge, or wisdom, singularly or in combinations, as unexpected, spiritual, physical, emotional, or unmerited bounty derived from unseen  or unknown sources."  Well...

Now, what do I do with that mouthful? Chew on it like a cow chews its cud? Say it aloud to hear its sound? Sleep on it? Surely, it's not time yet to share with even my closest BFF! Procrastinate? Ruminate? Cogitate? Find as many words as possible ending in the "ate" sound? Find something less unwieldy to think about?  Leave it alone?

Whether or not I ever devise means to track God's manifold blessings, I know for sure that He liberally showers them time and again.  Tallying serves no useful purpose since I express my gratitude as a spiritual response to His Love.  It took years for me to understand I could never earn the blessings He so freely gives. He showers me with His love and likely ignores what distracts me. (Grand)Mama would call what I contemplated doing, "just plain foolishness from an idle mind that could become the devil's workshop!"  Oops! My bad.  Mama always did speak her mind. 


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