"I know I been changed" Growing up, I remember hearing converts who had “graduated” from the Mourner’s Bench being led in the singing of an old Negro spiritual that went, “I know I been changed, O I know I been changed. Yes, I know I been changed because the angels in heaven done signed my name!” It was a song of conviction and triumph, I had no doubt. The mourners ranged in age from early teens, many forced by a parent or grandparent to that Bench at the front of the Church, to “This may be my last time” older people, who had been flirting with “Giving their hearts to God” for years. Pastor had presented a Palm Sunday message of love that centered on Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem on a colt “on which no one has yet sat” (Luke 19: 28-40). A teaching Pastor, her exegesis instructed, challenged, and inspired. As is the custom that closes a Sunday service, Pastor invites all who choose, to come forward for prayer. She explains...
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