She Said, She Said

Dorothie said to herself, " Self , after careful examination and thoughtful consideration of numerous red herrings and thoughts that were neither wishful nor wistful, " Self, you are not God, so quit your dissembling ways!" "Well, of course, I know I'm not God!" "Then why do you act as if you're His Broadway stand-in? I. Do. Not! Oh yes, you do! You conscientiously decide when your petitions, requests, and solicitations should be answered. I remember reading somewhere that anyone can and should make their requests known to God and that He answers them. There you go again, taking things out of context! Philippians 4:6 reads, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be known unto God." Many of His answers rest on conditions. Oops, there it is, as the old song goes! However, the Apostle Paul hadn't finished. The next verse explains, "And the peace of ...