On the Road Again

"On the road again
Just can't wait to get on the road again
The life I love is making music with my friends
And I can't wait to get on the road again."

Dear Readers,

I didn't disappear permanently.  Nor did I take a sabbatical.  Quite frankly, life got its hold on me with a ferocity that caught me off guard.  It's one thing to read the Bible about "wars and rumors of war" and quite another to sit as comfortably as I can on my couch and watch the televised attempt to destroy Ukraine.  A sovereign nation, Ukraine and its proud people, thriving economy, and vibrant culture now fight for its inalienable right to freedom. This stalwart nation continues a courageous and valiant battle against Vladimir Putin, the maniacal Russian despot, whose hatred and aggression spotlight the evil that resides in his sin-sick soul.

Do you wonder how I, a Black woman in the United States, feel so strongly about the country of Ukraine?  Glad you want to know.  Four years ago this April, Courtney, the younger of my two daughters, died suddenly.  Her death devastated and almost demolished me. It rocked me in "my inward being," as the psalmist David described.  I sank into the miry clay, (King David, again), from which I didn't care if ever left.

Some weeks later (I don't know how long), Sherry, a friend of mine, unexpectedly showed up on my doorstep, rang the bell, and without a word walked in and up the stairs to my office.  "I know you told me that you aren't interested in writing blogs, but I want to show you how just in case you ever do," she suggested.  With scant graciousness, I sat and followed her instructions, and even took notes.  Days followed that became bleaker and almost paralyzed me.

Then on an ordinary day, I pulled myself out of bed, into my office chair, and stared at the keyboard for who knows how long.  I had nothing to do with the words that unexpectedly poured forth; they just came! I read that first blog in amazement.  I had written about Ann, my former, late sister-in-law, and Courtney's response to her loss.  Other blogs poured from my fingertips while I sat there that morning, mesmerized by the output.  I stopped typing when the words stopped.  They just stopped like an abruptly turned-off faucet.

Finally, I began "publishing," one blog at a time every two or three days.  Blogs continued to erupt, like lava, from someplace deep within.  It took months before I realized the Source of Its emanation.  The Holy Spirit had begun speaking to and through me. The Holy Spirit. Imagine, that! I'll write more about Him in a later blog, I promise.

About nine months after I began writing, I decided to look at blog statistics.  My surprise at seeing the places of my readership flabbergasted me.  First of all, I really didn't think anyone would find the blogs, much less read one.  Yet, more than one or two people had found me.  Okay, but I saw I had garnered a worldwide readership, particularly in Ukraine.  Ukraine? Ukraine? Could I even find it on a world map? 

More people from Ukraine were reading me than in the United Kingdom, France, or the UnitedArab Emirate.  Ukraine? I had to learn more about the country and its people.  Thus, my learning quest began.  Putin's unwarranted aggression against Ukraine produced a visceral reaction that immediately morphed into prayer, without ceasing.  "Prayer changes things, Baby, prayer changes EVERYTHING," (Grand)Mama would promise anyone who'd listen.  I believed her then and I believe even more now.

I've been blogging ever since, except for a grieving hiatus some months later.

Last weekend, I looked out my window to the home directly across from me and gaped!   My neighbors, whom I'd never met in the five years since they moved on the block, had hung the blue and yellow Ukraine flag on their flagpole, probably on February 28, 2022!  OMGoodness, I don't even know their names or anything about them.  It's a small world after all; they are Ukrainians! Ukrainians! I crossed the street that same day and left a notecard pushed into their door.  

I just want my neighbors to know my prayers and those of millions of others for Ukraine's victory will prevail.  Most importantly, they must know that God is able, He cannot fail! Long live Ukraine.  God, bless Ukraine with victory! I sing for Ukraine today,

"Victory is mine (Ukraine's),
Victory is mine (Ukraine's).
Victory today is mine (Ukraine's).
I told satan to get thee behind
Victory today is mine (Ukraine's)."



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