Yo Mama Don't Dance...
Mother would never, ever lay claim to any of the Gifts, or Offices, the Apostle Paul delineated in 1 Corinthians 12:6. Only modestly might she have given a nod to the "ministry of helps" appellation. As a kid, I had no idea how Mother knew so much! I thought she must've been like the "Madam Zola" mind readers who occupied small storefronts on Chicago's Southside. Except they got paid for "fortune-telling." Even as a teenager, I didn't have the nerve to go to one of those enterprises because I just knew Mother would know when or if I did. No way, Jose! In fact, it wasn't until I'd broken an unrelated cardinal rule and Mother never knew, that I realized she didn't possess supernatural powers! There's nothing like dodging a flaming torch of fire and brimstone. Whoopee! No matter. Mother still knew things that were unfathomable. Fast forward with me, then, to what happened when I had married, was very pregnant, and living...