
"Hush, hush, somebody's callin' my  name
Hush, hush, somebody's callin' my name
Hush, hush, somebody's callin' my name
Oh my Lord, oh my Lord, what shall I do."

Whenever trouble reared its perpetually predictable head, Mother would counsel, "Call on the Man you serve!" Of course, family members understood that Name was Jesus.  Mother, however, spoke of the "Prince of the air," the infamous insurrectionist, who challenged God and lost.  For the most part,  Mother's world was one of contrasts: either good or bad; right or wrong; up or down; honest or dishonest, and the like.  

I don't believe Mother had ever been introduced to "forced choice," the technique a teacher, supervisor, or manager frequently used.   She intuitively recognized that if left questioning, the choices novices grappled with became increasingly difficult. This kind of paralysis by analysis could take chunks out of one's day, month, or year.  Old Testament warrior Joshua asked, "Whose report will you believe" and answered in the next breath, "I believe the report of the Lord."   Mother did, too.

A stickler for honesty and forthrightness, Mother expected the same from everyone.  From the smallest to the tallest, my sister-in-law Jennifer used to say.  Mother listened to explanations and rationalizations but returned to her "Call on the Man you serve" position.  She had no tolerance for excuses or equivocations.  No! One must not waste time, energy, or enterprise frivolously.

Reading and studying the Holy Bible  (concordances became her best friend) occupied what little spare time Mother could cull as a stay-at-home mom long before the description entered the lexicon.  She sewed like a pro; knitted multicolored "throws': and even crocheted doilies, finishing them off by dipping them in sugar water and placing bottles to hold different designs. The doilies brought oomph! to an end table or a cocktail table.

"Praise is what I do
When I want to be close to you
I lift my hands in praise
Praise is who I am
I will praise Him while I can
I'll bless Him at all times."

Praise fit Mother like a Chanel suit.  She wore unfettered obedience and unyielding loyalty like Italian-made heels and handbag.  Her undergarments of faith and love allowed Mother to walk fearlessly through dangers seen and unseen.  According to Mother, Jesus's sheep know His voice and it would "behoove" everybody to stop and listen.  "He may be telling or explaining or motivating you.  There's nothing He can't do and He talks to us all the time.  If you heed his voice and believe what He says, then you know that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.  Listen, believe, and obey; it's just that simple."

Then, Mother would turn her attention to someone or something else as she sang, "Trust and obey, For there's another way To be happy in Jesus But to trust and obey."



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