Red Apples and Yellow Onions

A mixed metaphor---red apples and yellow onions---one that had never popped up as spontaneously as that one, from where and from what recesses I can't begin to imagine.  I like apples of all colors and sizes perhaps a little more than the wide array of onions, but each occupies a place in my kitchen.  They really have nothing to do with material sustenance; they strode into my consciousness as comparisons.  When I contrast my situation/problem/issue or worry to a friend's and try to make them equal, try to identify some symmetry between hers and mine, it's like looking at her apples and trying to turn it into my onions (phew)!  

Comparing my children to a best friend's offspring takes me down that slippery association slope that ends lopsidedly.  Her daughter graduated from West Point while my son graduated from a State college.  Barely.   She tools around in the latest luxury Lexus while my "Struggle Buggy" perseveres from one oil change to the next, and then on a wing and fevered prayer.

On and on I meander around the mulberry bush,  for which I have no reference (the bush was here when I took possession of the bungalow).  Then the lyrics, "Give thanks with a grateful heart/give thanks to the Holy One..." sashay into memory lane and give pause.  Hmm.  As if not enough, Scripture comes calling.  "O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good and his mercy is everlasting."  Well! Enough said?

Am I being called to recalibrate? To remove the rose-colored glasses (where did they come from, anyway)?  From the game of "one-upmanship," played mindlessly and to no avail? That's where.  Oh.  Might it be the appropriate time to re-enter reality's sphere and ask Holy Spirit for counsel and comfort?  Give me a sec.  Sometimes it takes longer than usual to dismantle from my high horse. There.  That's better.

"Folks without homes
Living out in the street
And the drug habit some say
They just can't beat
Muggers and robbers
No place seems to be safe
But you ben my protection
Every step of the way
I wanna say, thank You, Lord, for all you done for me.

""I wanna thank You for Your love
Thank You for Your power
Thank You for your protection
Every hour"I wanna thank You for loving me, Lord
Thank You, Lord, for all You done for me!"


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