Innocent? Maybe

It's become cliche-ish, almost, this robing myself in innocence.  I shrug as I admit, "I know I take too much for granted,  I realize that I'm walking around with a loaf of bread under each arm while complaining about what I don't have or what I didn't get when a less deserving schmuck did! My shrug captures a thousand words and manifold excuses.

It's always easier to blame someone or something, It happened so fast! I didn't see it coming! Please forgive me, but I'm feeling the weight of the world right about now.  Or (and this is classic!), it's my birth order; what was I to do?  

When those "reasons" don't seem worthy of consideration, I find myself swirling among truths and "dodges."  A choice point, surely.    Or to mix a metaphor, it appears I've jailed myself in a place whose key I (mistakenly?) tossed eons ago.  Or maybe, I didn't do the incarcerating.  It's a changing and changed world out there.   

Maybe, though,  the drama that seems to trail and subtly engages me before I know it really happens.  The machinations of an untethered mind can devastate, or at least paralyze. This is what happens when a life (like mine?) expands and allows make-believe to posture as real.     

"Get a grip on yourself, Baby," my Mama/Grandmother would advise.  "No, life's not a bowl of cherries all the time, but it's not day-old, cold oatmeal, either."  Really, I don't have a clue! Even worse, I've enclosed the real me in an invisible shield most people find too daunting to challenge.  Who needs it?   Mostly, I tend to endorse my peculiar whims so solicitously it leaves scant time for anything else.  Jeez. 

Luke  1:37 records "Not one promise from God is empty of power, for nothing is impossible with God!" (tPt).  Nothing.  It boils down to this:  Do I believe in the ultimate, supernatural authority of the Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent One. or not. What's unclear about that? ME? Oh!  



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