Fads or Otherwwise

Fads.  Gratefully, I recall how back in the day (I call the decade the "Eager 80's) . physical fitness took on the patina of a "religious movement." And no, this isn't about riding the "religion train" where you might think.  I'm talking about ME and how I embraced physical fitness with a ferocity unlike any other.  With a vengeance! It was around 1983 or thereabouts that I graduated from exercising  (drudge, drudge!) in drab gray unisex sweat pants into what felt like a magical Land of Oz.  Straight into the haute couture of workout design. I understand how George Jefferson must have felt when he saw himself "moving on up to the East Side, to that deluxe apartment in the sky!"  

One day, here traipsed Cinder Ella, relegated to hand-me-downs, and in an instant, there strutted Cinderella, decked out in gorgeous garb and being courted by Prince Charming.   Sounds a bit hyperbolic, yes, but you get my drift?  Lined up with other fitness aspirants and surrounded by more mirrors than any of us needed, I wore form-fitting stretch pants deftly tailored to camouflage an insidious "spare tire" around the waist.   Simultaneously, new workout tops flirted with curves, skillfully sewn in breathable fabric.  Colorful headbands designed to collect head and face sweat completed the new me.

Of course, I paid top dollar to see and be seen at a coveted fitness gym, where a young (always) and curvaceous (without a doubt) fitness maven tortured us into a regimen of fitness, while "Disco" music pulsated throughout the room! A marine-like program started at the forehead (yes, forehead) and ended at the ankles and toes (right, them too).  While shod, yes, in designer tennis shoes.   With no contrition, I admit using any colorfully designed plastic card that successfully slid its way back and forth on that ubiquitous machine. to be able to sport (no pun intended) a wardrobe to die for!

I'm not making light of physical fitness, its instructors, or routines.  Sustained health and wellness take work, and somebody's got to motivate others to action.  I wanted others (of the male persuasion) to say of me:

'Cause she's a brick house
/she's mighty, mighty
Just lettn' it all hang out"
She's a brick house
I like ladies stacked
And that's a fact
Ain't holding nothing back."

Was that asking too much? Surely, a maxed-out credit card or two or more proved a sound investment.

No, I'm 'fessing up and feeling good about the metamorphosis that has occurred since then.  "What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought Since Jesus came into my heart; I have light in my soul for which long I have sought Since Jesus came into my heart.  Since Jesus came into my heart.  Since Jesus came into my heart, Floods of joy o'er my soul like the sea billows roll, Since Jesus came into my heart."

More about the transformation in subsequent blogs.  Thank God!


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