Say it, say it, say it UNTIL you see it, see it see it!

I met the Evangelist at a Saturday, Noonday Prayer Service as she exhorted, " Say it. Say it. Say it! Until you see it! See it! See it!" Hmm. To an unabashed skeptic ( Moi ), the declaration startled me into an active listening frame. The dictum caught my attention. Pithy. Pregnant. Memorable. Sounds like it promises everything and nothing, I mused. Empty of guarantees, but demanding who-knows-what kind of commitment? Nice-sounding, but helium-light. Like a frilly dress without the proper petticoat. A reluctant attendee who felt Saturdays could best accommodate themselves to Saturday chores, grocery shopping, or even an unhurried lunch, I had committed to attend the Service, so I settled in to listen. And got more than I expected! The Evangelist packed a wallop of a delivery. Rather, she brought a powerful message, filled with punches! Evangelist understood the vagaries of life and had retained encyclopedic knowledge of l...