Remind Him


During the predawn hours of a recent morning, as enemies of my peace toll bells announcing doom and doom; when a roster of anxiety and fear, doubt and fear, and trepidation and fear threaten to sweep me up in their tentacles; when I cannot shut off thoughts that drip like an old, leaky faucet, a still, small voice urges me, "Remind Him."

"Remind Him," the voice repeated, "Of His promises."

"Wait a minute; who is this? Where is this coming from?"

"Remind Him.  Go back to  His Word,; go back to songs you learned in  Sunday hymns and congregational songs, and remind Him."

"Oh." Like when He said, "Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me."   Or when He promised, "Ask and it shall be given you; seek and you shall find; knock and the door shall be opened to you?" Is that what I should ask?


"Like when it says in His Word that His answers are always "yes" and "amen"? Or when we used to sing, "I've seen the lightning flashing And heard the thunder roll, I've felt sin's breakers dashing, Which tried to conquer muy soul, I've heard the voice of my Savior, He bid me still fight on--- He promised never to leave me, Never to leave me alone."

"Oh my," as Professor Higgins said in My Fair Lady, "She's got it! By God, she's got it."

Should I "Call Him up and tell Him what I want," like the choir used to sing?

Of course! Why not? Humans so easily confuse things and make them more complicated than they need to be.  Partly because of an educational philosophy that enticed educators with the concept of the Age of Reason or the Age of Enlightenment.  It elevated science higher than the Holy Spirit;  partly because man has wanted to Be God since Lucifer led an insurrection in the heavenly realm, was kicked out of Heaven, and given authority over the earth. And partly because of willful disobedience. Do you remember, "If you dance to the music, you've got to pay the piper?" And for myriad other deceptions and distortions.

"Oh. My. Goodness! As in Little Richard's "Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!?"


"Wait a minute! Wait! Can I serenade Him with,  "I must tell Jesus all of my trials, I cannot bear these burdens alone; In my distress, He kindly will help me, He ever loves me and cares for His own?

Of course.

"Tired now, I let "There'll be peace in the valley for me someday, There'll be peace in the valley for me, I pray.  No more sorrow and sadness or trouble will be, There'll be peace in the valley for me," lull me into a dreamless sleep.


  1. I think we all go through those sleepless nights. Thank you for reminding us who to keep our focus on during those times


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