Sister, Sister


My dear Sister,

I presume to call you "Sister" because we now belong to a group that we never sought to join. 

When God dispatched His angels to transport His son, Frank's, spirit back to Heaven, from whence he came, He introduced us. Our Father had previously charged celestial beings with bringing Courtney, my beloved daughter, back to walk streets of gold.  And just as suddenly.  

God chose you, purposefully, as the mother of Frank here on this earth, because He knows all things! He is Omniscient.  He knew your precious Frank would need the love only you had stored up for him.

God sent Frank to fill the empty places in your life as only he could.  He sent Frank to you because He had filled him with a special brand of selfless love.

You and Frank belonged (and still do) to a "Mutual Admiration Society."

Our Father does all things for our good---as devastating and heartbreaking as it was one year ago for you.

You fervently wish He hadn't done what He did when He sent Frank's angels for him.  How could He? How dare He?

Yes, He knew the pain, the helplessness, the anguish, the aloneness, the hopelessness, the bereftness, and so much more, you would suffer.  And do. Still.

Yes, He knew. He still knows, but still, He did it.  We, mothers, cannot fathom that.  It makes NO sense.  It's not right!  We wrestle mightily while trying to come to grips with the finality of it. It's just not right!

Our mothers would sing, "We'll understand it better by and by."  I'm sure those words brought solace to them, and I'm glad they did. I don't know if we ever will truly understand; I pray we do.

But God knows.  He also knows how much we can bear.  That's why He says, "Cast your cares on me, for I care for you."  Plus, He teaches us how!

I know today is an excruciatingly hard one for you.  All I can offer, as meager as it is, is to suggest that you try to nurture yourself. As much as you can.  As you nurtured Frank. As you loved Frank.  

Let Our Father do the rest.  I love and pray for you, Sister.


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