The Patience of Kai

"Ask the Savior to help you, Comfort, strengthen, and keep you.  He is willing to aid you.  He will carry you through."

I asked God for patience.  He gave me Kai.  What! Who? A long-haired Dachshund, about six dog years old, splotchy black with gray undertones, obese according to the Vet, aptly describes Kai.  I accept responsibility for his obesity; he was so cute and certainly a novel looking family addition.  I went on an unchecked shopping spree that resulted a cornucopia of goodies: chicken, beef, and lamb entrees; treats whose sources I couldn't verify; and all kinds of seasonal male- clothing.  Kai loved the meals and desserts; he wouldn't tolerate the outfits, though.  He divested himself of sweares and onesies faster than a cat could wink his eye!

Well-trained. Kai came with papers and seamlessly merged into the family.  When he first moved in, most of his days began in the yard.  Later, he would run up the stairs and frolic in my office until nap-time.  We didn't walk with any regularity at first.  Not until a Saturday visit to the vet for grooming, where he also got a physical exam.  The call came days later; Kai's weight warranted immediate attention.  His diet had to change, no "ifs, and, or buts!"  He must begin a walking regimen immediately.  Alright. I purchased a new food product for "Fat Dogs" and switched from "tasty treats" to dried fruit chips. 

No way. Jose! Are you kidding me? I can't eat this stuff.  It's horrible, and I can't stand the taste! It's not fair! 

Typically, when Kai sees me walking downstairs in jogging attire, he runs to the laundry room where his lead hangs, and starts whimpering joyfully.  He squirms with abandon while I try to hook the lead. 

"Wait, Kai, wait! I'm trying to get you hooked up and ready! No, Kai, be still!  My goodness!" Now, I'm swearing from the effort as he rushes to the door.  Impatient, he barely contains himself while I check my pocket for a mask, "poop bags," retrieve the walking stick." and open the front door.

Can I help if I get excited about going out?  I'm trying to cooperate. Just come on!

There he goes. We're barely out the front door and he's already stopping and sniffing!

 What a gorgeous morning! Everything I see fascinates me.

He takes his time, smelling inanimate objects and things invisible to the naked eye.  I gently tug on his lead and after a minute or so we start walking.  Kai stops without warning, ears perked and tail furiously wagging,  looks up, sniffs the air, on the alert for what-I-don't-know.

"Kai, we don't have all morning.  I've got to get this walk out the way 'cause I have a full schedule, Buddy!"

"What's the big deal? You get to stop and smell the roses, but I can't check out the grass?
Okay! Okay! Let's go.  Wait! I feel a pit stop coming on.  Aah! What I do like about her is that she carries "poop bags" and always uses them.  That's my Lady!

Kai, why do you dawdle like that? You stop at the same spots every day! Jeez.

I'm on the road again! Can't wait to get back on the road again. What fun.  Look! Rabbits everywhere I turn. They're not my thing, though.  What's that I smell?  Look at all of this stuff.  Wow! I don't know what to check out next.   Noises from birds, I think.  Oh, wait! I've got to check this out.


Don't pull on me like that! I'm coming.  Can I help it if things sprout up overnight?

Do you realize how much I have to do just this morning" Phone calls to make? Calls to return.  Schedules to revise.  My goodness! You're making a job out of this.

Really, I'm rather enjoying my Morning Constitutional.


Alright, already!  Okay.  We're almost home.  Why does she wait until we're at the door to start fumbling for her keys? She's had the whole walk to get them out.  Sheesh!

Wait a minute, Kai! Why are you in such a rush to get in, for goodness sakes!

Could be that I gave you quite a workout.  And I'm a little tired.  Home again! Home again.  That was fun!

Like I said.  I asked for patience. ..


  1. Kai is such a sweetheart. I really enjoyed our morning walk, it made me smile. Keep on walking, but don't pray for any more patience.


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