From Sand to Solid Rock

" I know the Lord will make a way somehow when beneath the cross I bow.
He will take away each sorrow, let Him have your burdens now;
 When the loads bear down so heavy the
weight is shown upon my brow;
There's a sweet relief in knowing the Lord
will make a way sonehow."

I'm loading the dishwasher and a song my mom and (grand)mama sang half a century ago rose up from somewhere deep within and inserted itself in my head.  As I kept loading the dishwasher, it stayed in my head (meaning I didn't open my mouth to sing), because for years I've known how tone-deaf I am.  Instead, I busied myself wiping counters and rinsing the sink, thoroughly and efficiently

Finished, I took a break, thinking I had left the lyrics in the kitchen. But no, like a 30-year mortgage, the song reasserted itself, which gave me pause.  Where had that childhood church song come from? Why did it say "a" way" and not "the way?"  Could it be that "the" is a definite article (grammatically), while "a" is not?  As if it were a found treasure, I let my mind play Sherlock Holmes for a bit and ended up in a bit of "London fog."

The only way to extricate myself from the pea soup I'd stirred up simply was to stop,  turn off the thought, and drop all distractions. That helped tremendously.  Seconds later, thankfully,  another thought slipped through: Instead of trying to dissect the lyrics as I would a frog leg in the laboratory, why not just accept the reassurance the song embodied? 

Haven't I been wrestling with a situation that seems to have no ready solution? Haven't I been questioning the reality of a "safety net" in the face of what appears to be an unscalable mountain? Wouldn't it be wonderful to sleep peacefully all night long? Well, there's your answer, Girl. The Lord will make a way somehow!  Hasn't he always? Even with my inflatable dramas, billowing doubts, and transient traumas, He's always come through.  Hmm.

How many times must I relive 'Groundhog Day'?  Until I decide to stop!


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