Fear Club

From: the Holy Spirit speaks? Through: the Holy Spirit speaks to me? To: "Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all Thy quickening powers..." Now: Yes, the Holy Spirit speaks to me! A resolute affirmation of my steps on "the road less traveled," for longer than I can recount.

The Holy Spirit, Who has always known me, Whom I am learning of, moment by moment and day by day, speaks to me, especially while I shower.

"It's fear, again." He speaks loud enough for me to hear over the shower's rain.

"Fear?  Really? It doesn't feel like it."

"Yes, fear." And how do you know  how fear feels?"

I thought I did, after all these years and "Eyes wide open" trials, tribulations, and adversities.

"Fear takes myriad forms, presents itself in varied ways, and defines itself like a chameleon.  Fear may be experienced as 'clubs'..."


"Certainly! As a guild or syndicate or as an aggregation of scary emotions, unexpected and unwanted experiences or distortions..."

My goodness!

Fear comes as a cudgel, truncheon, whip, or cat-o'-nine tails. among multiple iterations."

I stood still, as water cascaded from head to feet.  Dumbfounded.  Confused.  Surprised. Yet, somehow relieved.  Remembering what my primary care provider had advised me two decades ago.

"Make a decision, Dorothie.  Don't hesitate or ruminate. Don't worry overly long about the rightness or wrongness of it.  The most important thing is to make a decision," he had counseled.

Still standing under the water, I wondered.  Had the Holy Spirit been speaking to me 20 years ago when the advice seemed Pollyannish, and I had rejected it because of the Internist's relative youth? After all, we were contemporaries.  What'd he know?

Water running tepid, I asked, "What should I do?"  Fear is a loathsome burden to lug around, no matter the genesis.

"If you don't know my Word, acquaint yourself with Me.  I AM in every Book of the Holy Bible.  Better still, revisit what Sunday School teachers taught you and listen to and follow the teaching of the men and women I have called to spread the Good News. You know more than you think you do.  Most of all, cast your cares on Me. Remember, I loved you first!  Love Me as your Creator and Maker.  When you truly love Me, you will trust and obey.  I am Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent, all that you need.  I AM.


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