What Do You Think?

I'm not sure why or what you expected from this blog. Perhaps, you stumbled upon notesfromabrokenheart.blogspot.com. as you navigated the Net. The title might have arrested your attention. You might have been in the contractions of fresh grief or even nudged by imperceptible, unreconciled, decades-old sorrow.   You might have read a blog because a friend recommended it or a title intrigued.

No matter,.  I'm inordinately blessed that you have read---once or multiple times.  Thank you, a thousand thanks for letting me into your life. Indeed, Notes From a Broken Heart erupts, seeps, oozes, or screams from the moment doctors in a set-aside-for-that-purpose-hospital-room told me as gently as they could that they had been unable to stop Courtney, my younger of two precious daughters, from dying.  While there was nothing they could have said that would have penetrated the vacuum that separated me from that moment, they tried valiantly.  As if I was listening or could comprehend the finality of their words.

Ironically, the evening before the Sunday morning of Courtney's death, a dear friend had asked me about blogging.

 "That's not my cup of tea," I joked, one tea drinker to another.

 "What would you write about if you ever did, though," she asked.

"Probably about grief and loss, since I've been doing grief work everywhere I've lived over the past 15 years," I casually replied.

We chatted desultorily before parting.

How that conversation haunted me over the next debilitating month! Overwrought, I went to Chicago during the summer and stayed with a sister who lives no more than one block from Lake Michigan.  I would sit at her dining room table early mornings and watch the sun come up.  After a while, the writing started, as if from a leaky faucet.  At first, I didn't realize I was writing about Courtney's death,  my grief and loss, or that I was mourning because poetry flowed from my pen, not prose

When I got back home, I continued writing, albeit with little regularity.  Usually, I wrote when it hurt too much to talk.  And I never talked.  My dear friend who had introduced the concept of blogging came over one day and presented what she had done.  Without asking me; she had set up the blog,  replete with numerous tutorials, and the images to accompany my writing.  Enough! She left me to my devices.  Why not, I thought, rather than "why"?

Finally,  here's the crux of my "what do you think" question.  It's about the font, the type size.  I was using use the font you're reading now until I got feedback that it was too small.  So, I started using the next larger font,  only to be told  by others that the size was too big.  Did I think my readers came only from  "Generation Bifocals"? Plus, the application I typically used doesn't offer many font choices. So...

 In case you haven't figured it out, I'm not a Millenial who was born with a computer chip in my mouth, brain, or fingertips for that matter.  I WANT EVERYBODY WHO WILL BENEFIT FROM READING THE BLOGS TO READ THEM COMFORTABLY! I simply need help in making them appealing to readers of all ages, stages, and persuasions.  If you have a suggestion or two about font size or anything else that will make ia blog easier to read and enjoy,  please tell me, either at ordainedelder@aol.com  on facebook, (Dorothie Clark) or notesfromabrokenheart.blogspot com.  A thousand thanks!



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