It's Been a Long Time Coming...


Well, actually it was only two weeks, but they felt like the longest days in recent memory.  Here's the deal. I had to check on my sister who lives on the West Coast, after she had experienced a health-related hiccup. Not to worry, she had survived a short hospital stay (worry if they keep you longer), so this would be more like a mini-reunion.  She lives near a public library so I'd be able to publish Blogs three times a week. Easy as 1-2-3. Since I'm a "vintage" English major (if you can't write a bestseller, then teach future novelists!), I packed legal pads containing numerous notes, lead pencils, sticky notes, and purse-size notebooks, and on my way I flew.

My sister and I spent the first day catching up.  A condo dweller, she has the most spacious, one-bedroom, centrally located unit that welcomed me into a cozy beautifully decorated, and safe abode.  The bonus: located in a real neighborhood! Her follow-up doctor's appointment, which we accessed on the City's transit system, consumed most of the following day.  On Wednesday, book bag and note-filled legal pads, we went to the library.  Excited!  We  had planned to go on Friday, Saturday, and throughout the following week. I would pen  and publish Blogs with regularity.  Fortunately as  backup, I had planned, alternately,  to share previously written but unpublished Blogs on Facebook, .  Strategic planning because...

Of the 35 computers available, I was unable to navigate from my Blog's Home Page to the page where I typically would submit a new post. Try as I might, nothing worked!  Never one to hesitate to ask for help, I found a staff person, explained the problem, and put the Blog's future in her hands. Try as she did, she couldn't get me moved from "Home" to "New Post." Old School singer, Curtis Mayfield had admonished listeners to "Keep on Pushin', so I did.  I tried every maneuver known or imagined; nothing worked.

Thank whoever created/invented  the cell phone for genius, creativity, and ingenuity.  First, I texted my Blog Guru back home and explained my quandary; it was quite lengthy but...We spent over an hour the following morning with her showing the same genius, creativity, and ingenuity as the creator/inventor, still to no avail.  Sob, sob, sniffle, sniffle.  Undeterred, we returned to the library several times, where I put computers to good use. When it was time to return home, I packed my unused legal pads and other paraphernalia, along with some wonderful books I got on sale at the library, and home I flew.

Home.  In an instant, I turned my computer on, pulled up, and I had it!  "It's been a long time coming, I know, but change is gonna come.  O yes it is! You're rightSam Cooke   Praise God from Whom all blessing flow!  This Blog's for you, dear Readers.

I invite your responses, either on Facebook,, or on the Blog.  Thank you.


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