Now let us have a little talk with Jesus

"Yes, Lord, I know You've been waiting on me.

"I confess I've tried to use You, conveniently and consciously, as my 24-7 scapegoat.  I have blamed all my calamities on You, and like many,  I've given credit to the devil, my sworn enemy, when You have rain goodness and blessings down.

I didn't recognize this phenomenon the first and second times I read about the role of the scapegoat in the Book of Leviticus.

Thank You, Holy Spirit, for connecting the back story with the flash of insight you provided as I completed my morning ablutions: washing and rinsing my body, a metaphor for spiritual and natural cleansing.

Anyway, Jesus, I know You've been waiting, patiently on me to see what years of myopia had camouflaged.  "Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling, Calling for you and for me; See on  the portals He's waiting and watching, Watching for you and for me.

Now,  I see You.  I hear You.  You declared, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me" (Revelation 3: 20). I accept Your invitation.  It's about time!

"Come home, come home.  Ye who are weary, come home.  Earnestly tenderly, Jesus is calling.Calling, O sinner, come home!

I accept Your invitation.

Thank You, Lord!

Dear Reader, I invite your thoughts, responses, and comments concerning this Blog as well as any previous ones.  Thank you.


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