The Impotence of Struggle

"God doesn't want me to struggle!" Seemingly out of the blue, the words penetrated my consciousness.  They pronounced.  They announced.  They even denounced the vicious spiral of defeat, despair, and death that had haunted me. I get it now.  He doesn't want me to struggle; in fact, God wants the polar opposite.  What's the antonym for struggle? Do I need to Google it? Surely, a plan is making its way to the surface.  If God doesn't want me to struggle, if He wants only Good for me (because after He formed Adam and Eve,  He declared that His work was "Good and very good"), then He wants relaxation, rest, and restoration for me.  He wants me to take it easy:  To Be!

Because He is the "I Am That I Am," that my surety rests more on faith more than reason.  Faith results in Being-ness. (Yet, flash-in-the-pan-faith often devolves in that sometimes elusive construct I keep trying to intellectualize rather than just accepting it without question).  In the state of Being, there's no need to struggle;  He doesn't want you to struggle.  He wants you and me, simply, to be. What I'v'e done all these years, these decades, is to complicate things---every thing.  I need to ask for insight into the Creation Story.  Elohim created everything in order and precision.  He is the Master Engineer.  What should for me should have been instruction, I obfuscated (nice word!) into a mind-altering jumble of "what if," "what about," how could that happen?" indecision and doubt.

What was wrong with just being? What was wrong with understanding that after He created man, He rested? He did not struggle, ever, even in the beginning.  Remember, He stepped out into nothingness, as James Weldon Johnson wrote in his epic "Creation" and said, "Let there be light; and there was light." That merits an "Amen!" Each subsequent day, He declared.  He created. He prepared.  No energy wasted.  All energy producing.  Then on the seventh day, He rested.  What a template!For me. For you. For the world.

Years ago a singer chanted, "Don't worry; be happy!" While it made the charts for weeks and weeks, it finally faded (from radio play).  "Don't worry; be happy!" no longer soothed and assuaged the powerful impact of daily living.  It went back to being regarded as a mindless jingle and not the spiritual prescription it was and remains to this day.   

No, God doesn't want us to struggle.  "Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling.  Calling for you and for me.  See on the portals He's waiting and watching, Waiting for you and for me."  He lovingly leads us back to the "Let there be," back to Him.  "Let there be,,," He intones, because He has already done the heavy lifting. Rest, He counsels, and witness Me bring My Light into your life.  He speaks, "Peace, be still." Thank You, Lord.

Dear Reader, I invite your thoughts, responses, aand comments concerning this Blog as well as any previous ones.  Thank you.


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