Listen . In order to hear anything, one has to learn how to listen (which may be problematic since "listening skills" rarely are taught in K-12 curriculum, whether in language arts, English, or speech classes). I remember teachers reminding students, especially rambunctious ones, "You have two ears and one mouth for a reason!" They rarely followed up with "listening skills development" techniques. Adults admonished us to save our "outdoor voices" for the playground or basket ball courts. Nowadays, noise bombards us, so much so that its opposite typically brings pause. What's wrong? It's too quiet. Put on some music; turn on the television; even, "whistle while you work!" We rarely implore students (or adults for that matter) to put on their "listening ears." In truth, do we know who or what or when, where, or why to listen? Especially, do we know how to listen? Probably...
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